Adsense Tips: How to Increase Your Income from Google Adsense


 Increase Income from Google Adsense

Many bloggers and webmasters are not happy with the earnings of their Google Adsense. That's because because of not having the right information, they make some mistake, due to which the income from their adsense is less.
Adsense Tips: How to Increase Your Income from Google Adsense

So let's know some of the ways you can increase your earnings from your ads to a great extent

1. Increase CPC - 

If you are writing about a topic / subject whose CPC (Cost Per Click) is less then your earnings will also work. To increase the revenue from AdSense, it is necessary that you target keywords that have a higher CPC. For this you use the Google Adword Keyword Tool.

2. Size and type of advertising - 

You must place the following ad on your blog or website:

300 x 250 (Small Rectangle)

350 x 380 (Large Rectangle)

160 x 600 (Skyscraper)

728 x 90 (Leather board)

Also add "Text and Image" Ads. This will increase your income to a great extent.

3. Link Ads - 

Link Ads take much less space. You also need them on your blog or website. Note that do not place too much advertising or your readers may have trouble reading it.

4. Traffic Source - 

Where are the people coming to your website or blog? Are they coming from Social Networking Websites such as Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, StumbleUpon or any other Social Networking Sites?

If yes, then your earnings will work because these people will steal your articles instead of clicking on your ads and post them to your blog.

It is best that you use the SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to get traffic from search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing, Dogpile etc.

5. AdSense for Search - 

Have you placed a search box for AdSense for Search on your website or blog? If not, then do not ignore it and make it necessary and increase your income.

6. Blacklist Low Paying Ads - 

Yes, identify low-spending ads on advertisements and blacklist them. You can do this with your Adsense account.

7. AdSense for YouTube - 

You know that by putting videos on YouTube, you can earn money from Adsense ads. If you have not paid attention to it then pay attention to today and work on it.

I claim to say that if you look at the suggestions given above, then income from your Adsense will increase manifold.

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